Put Advertising on your Packages
at a Low Cost...
Printed tape spotlights your company, product, or logo from the time the carton leaves your plant until it reaches the consumer.
When ordering printed tapes, please have the following information:
- Quantity per case:
24mm x 66m = 144 RLS
48mm x 66m = 72 RLS
48mm x 100m = 54 RLS
48mm x 132m = 54 RLS
48mm x 914m = 6 RLS
72mm is available
- Type of Tape:
• Poly propylene — Regular packaging tape
• P.V.C. — Strong vinyl with rubber adhesive. Good for sealing packages over 40 pounds.
• All Temperature — Good for cooler applications, if applied at room temperature.
- Size: (width x length) Most common size is 48mm x 66m (2" x 72 yds.)
- Color of Tape:
- Printing Colors: (up to 3)
Please include a copy of the logo and a rough draft of the tape design. Optional tamper proof prints can be added to the layout.